Spirit Guides Ritual
Working with your Spirit Guides
Background information and examples of what you may want to create at the end.
Call forward your Divine Energy from within. It is always present, and light a white or light pink candle
Write down your intention beginning with “I am creating”
Call forward your spirit guides
Write and speak your intention out loud to your spirit guides
Say to your guides “I know since I have asked you, you are already working on this.”
Give thanks and let go. There is nothing more to do except wait.
Know and trust you will receive what you are creating.
Whenever a negative thought pops in the mind after this point just say “Oh silly mind I have handed that over!” . You can thank your spirit guides each day for the work you know they are already doing for you.
It’s good to look at your intention each day to stay aligned with what you are creating. You may also light the candle each day as you do this.
Background info and some examples of intentions:
Your spirit guides are with you from birth to death.
You have at least 7 Guides.
You chose each other before coming to the planet.
They are pure energy forms and they exist within your own consciousness and auric field. They never leave you. You are never alone.
They serve the Creator and Creation and they must help you anytime you say “I am creating”.
You hold the Creator Energy in every cell of your body.
To create something new in your life all you need to do is say you are creating whatever it is. To do this you write down your intention being very specific. Your intention must begin with the words “I am creating”.
Often, just before the spirit guides are about to deliver exactly what we have asked for events may happen that make it look like it has all been in vain. It’s almost like a test so please pay no mind to any events that happen that seem against what you have asked for. This is where your total trust comes in and you do not doubt for a second that what you’ve asked for will be delivered. Usually it’s right on the back of what seems to be happening against our wishes. Trust with a capital “T” that what you are creating is yours to have.
Trust with love - trust with love - trust with love.
Some examples of intentions:
These are a guide only. You can change them to suit your needs
Health issues:
(Illness is energy and you can transform it into beautiful health energy. )
"I am creating the transformation of the energy around this health issue I seem to be having into that of my beautiful health energy.”Financial abundance
Financial Abundance:
“I am creating financial abundance in my life to more than cover what I plan to use this money for and for financial abundance to continue to easily flow to me throughout my lifetime.”
“I am creating a new love to enter my life of high integrity and aligned with me to share a life together in a blissfully loving and committed relationship. We shall live in financial abundance, we shall laugh, we shall celebrate our many blessings, travel often and feel the beautiful comfort of our love and thankful daily for our good health”
More clients to come to us:
“I am creating many new clients for my business. They will be of high integrity and aligned with me who can easily afford my fees and who will refer other new clients to me of the same high integrity and aligned with me”.
New home to live in:
“I am creating A new home to live in that more than meets all my needs.”
I will have high integrity people helping me to find my new home and a neighborhood community of high integrity and aligned with me. I will have the financial abundance needed to more than cover all costs and leave me more than enough money to use in my new home. This financial abundance will continually come to me throughout my lifetime. I will experience beautiful inner peace in this new home every day.”