Money Candle Ritual
for manifesting money and abundance
You will need:
White candle (Divine Love)
Green candle - the color of Money (Money and Abundance)
Cash (any denomination - under candle as a visual)
Cinnamon and/or Allspice - Sprinkle over wicks and on cash. (“Grounding your desire”)
Write your intention and place near candles.
Take a moment before lighting the candles to call deep within yourself
Allow your Divine Energy to come forward in your Being.
With the full power and love of the God/Goddess within:
Light the white candle of Divine Love. Feel and see it shine from within and without you.
Next, light the green candle (the color of money😊) bringing in an abundance of money and money making opportunities to you now.
Pinch out the candles. Don’t blow out
Repeat for 3 days: 2 candles & 3 minutes each burn
For extra clearing at end of 3 day ritual chant 108 times the Ganesh/Ganapate chant “Om Gan Ganapataye Namah” ❤️ (You can find it chanted on YouTube)